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Wednesday 8 September 2010

Papuan fisherman survives three weeks lost at sea

A 20-year-old fisherman from Papua New Guinea has been rescued after being lost at sea for three weeks.

Benedict Jor went missing on a trip to catch tuna, when unpredictable winds and currents swept his boat out.
He survived by eating coconuts and collecting rain water, and slept under a blanket of banana leaves trying to shelter from heavy rain. Salvation finally arrived when crew onboard an Australian freighter spotted him. Several times during his ordeal Benedict Jor spotted passing freighters but despite his frantic waving and screaming they sailed on past oblivious to his plight.
The fisherman was finally rescued in the St Andrew Strait off Papua New Guinea by an Australian cargo carrier that was on its way from China to Melbourne. The crew spotted the lone man on his tiny, capsized vessel more than 90km (56 miles) off the coast of Papua New Guinea. The young survivor has been treated for hypothermia and dehydration.
He has yet to contact his family, who no doubt have been fearing the worst, and is expected to be flown home from Australia this weekend, armed with an amazing story of resilience and determination.

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